About our guest this week:
Glenna Marshall is a pastor’s wife, mom of two boys, musician, and writer. She has walked the road of chronic illness, infertility, and adoption. In Glenna’s own words, “God has used some long, dark roads to teach me to turn to Him in every circumstance: whether it’s the dark nights of the soul that challenge every layer of my faith or the patches of joy that break through periods of waiting and longing with such brightness I can only attribute it to the faithful love of God.”
Glenna writes to help her readers “connect the difficult circumstances in life to the faithfulness of God as revealed in His Word.” We really enjoy Glenna’s articles, and have been blessed and deeply impacted by her writing. We highly recommend following her blog posts, and you can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Encouragement from this episode:
Glenna shared about–
- What faithfulness looks like in our daily lives
- How to grow in spiritual maturity
- Being faithful through times of suffering
Glenna’s book:
Quotes from this episode:
“The good news is that the Lord has given us everything we need for life and godliness. You have all you need to be everyday faithful to the Lord right now.”
“We all go through dry spells and hard times. But when you turn your face to look at Jesus no matter what’s going in your life, you will see how good he is, how constant he is, and how faithful he is to you.
“We can invest in our faithfulness while being confident that God is pleased to supply all we need. He isn’t standing off angrily with his arms crossed, waiting for us to come to him. He is the Father, looking and waiting for us. He is always near, always present. He is always there, and always good.”
This week’s sponsor:
This episode is brought to you by our private donors and Patreon sponsors. We praise God for the opportunity to link arms with you and share weekly episodes of encouragement for Christian living with our listeners. You can find out more about becoming a Patreon sponsor here.
Devotional transcript:
As we prepare to send this episode out, we find ourselves in the midst of international tension and grief over COVID, government imposed restrictions, and in the US – suffering related to wicked injustice and a national crisis displayed in cities all over the country. I believe though, this is not a time to hide from faithfulness, or set it aside for a better day. The gospel of Jesus Christ, the message of his life, death, resurrection, and ascension is our hope. And we live out the gospel in community with God’s people, and extend this hope to the world around us.
Psalm 1 gives us a clear picture of the person who delights in God’s ways, meditating on his law day and night. The psalmist says, he is rooted, “like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and it’s leaf does not weather. In all that he does he prospers. The Lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the wicked will perish.”
God has planned for your sanctification, he has prepared you for it and it for you, and his design and desire is that you grow in faithfulness to him and to his word. This faithfulness will shape everything you do and it will spill over to change the people in your home and in the world around you.
So come, friend, and persevere knowing the stream you’ve been planted by will supply you with everything you need to bear fruit in the Christian life.