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About the Women Encouraged Podcast
Because Women Encouraged is all about connecting women with encouragement from the Bible, giving the hope of the Gospel, we are seeking to provide that opportunity through the podcast. The WE podcast brings you resources and interviews with other women who love the Lord, love His word, and who are pursuing a life of faithfulness in Him. The podcast interviews are hosted by Bethany Barendregt and discussions are co-hosted by Brittany Robertson, as well as blog editors Alyssa Donovan and Katie Morin.
The WE podcast host:

Bethany Barendregt is wife to Alex and mama to five. She homeschools and works from home as founder/creative director for Women Encouraged. Bethany is passionate about Bible literacy and enjoys writing to share hope for everyday life, but she would love nothing more than to have a cup of coffee with you and talk about how the gospel changes everything. You can connect with her at her blog or on Instagram @bethanybarendregt.
Conversation co-hosts: