Upcoming Conferences
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Past Conferences
Women Encouraged conferences originated from a desire to create an opportunity for fellowship in our area, and center it on how the Word of God shapes us and changes us. We had no idea at the time just how needed it was, or how much it would grow, and we are so grateful for how God is connecting women through this fellowship opportunity! Here are our past conferences and some of the feedback we’ve received.
WE 2022 Canada: Take Courage
“Thank you for another solid event full of encouragement and hope!”
“God showed me things I need to take courage and repent of in my life and I am so excited for the freedom that repentance is going to bring. Thanks for being willing to say the hard things. You ladies are true friends.”

“God showed me how much I need to depend on Him and how I need to agree with Him about what is good and true. I am so thankful to have spent a weekend in His word and growing in Christ along with these ladies!”

“I think I came away with an increased appetite for the Word, and a conviction to put my phone down and read more instead…”

WE 2018: Taste and See
Women Encouraged 2018 was a ladies night out on September 28, with Sharon Neufeld as our speaker.
We enjoyed an evening of fellowship, thanksgiving, and delicious dessert.

WE 2017: Consider it Joy
What is the source of joy? How do we live with joy in the midst of trials and difficulties? Kristen Kill and Angi Tuffnell shared from passages in James on enduring trials with joy.
What Our Past Speakers Have Said
“It was a joy to be with the women and leadership of Women Encouraged. Their commitment to the Word, sound teaching, and gospel hope in Christ is refreshing and so needed in this day.” – 2016 speaker Ruth Chou Simons, GraceLaced

“The Women Encouraged conference seeks to equip and support women through the teaching of God’s Word, reminding us of His presence actively at work in us, so we live fully alive for His glory.” – 2016 and 2018 speaker Sharon Neufeld

“What a delight to have been a part of two of these conferences. To know the heart and effort put in to establish women in the Word of God has been a profound encouragement to me. These conferences help women to see and learn God’s truth for themselves and then find very practical ways to put it into action. The vision of the Women Encouraged team is being powerfully worked out through the gathering of women; fellowship, encouragement and truth at it’s heart.” – 2015 and 2017 speaker Angi Tuffnell

“I was privileged to be one of the speakers at the first Women Encouraged conference. I left that conference encouraged — encouraged to see so many women gathering together to learn from God’s Word, encouraged by the love and joy that was such a part of the time together, encouraged by the fellowship with other God-fearing women, and encouraged to dig deep into God’s Word as the source of all wisdom. If I didn’t live 1000 miles away, I would go again as an attendee!”2015 speakerPam Forster