Today Bethany is joined on the podcast by Jen Oshman, author of Enough About Me: Finding Lasting Joy in the Age of Self. With grace and humility, Jen speaks to the lies of self-love and “me-ology” that women have been told.
In this episode, Bethany and Jen discuss the fallacy of the common mantra, “you are enough”. Jen shares instead how we can find true, lasting joy through obeying and trusting in Christ.
About our guest this week:
Jen Oshman is married to Mark and mom to four daughters who have been raised on three continents. She is an author, missionary, pastor’s wife, blogger, and podcaster.
Jen’s first book is entitled Enough About Me: Finding Lasting Joy in the Age of Self. Her writing has also been featured by Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, Tim Challies, Risen Motherhood, Unlocking the Bible, Church Leaders, and A Life Overseas. Jen is also a staff writer at Gospel-Centered Discipleship.
Encouragement from this episode:
Jen shared about
- The problems with believing that we are enough
- Trusting in Christ’s power rather than our own strength
- Laying down our lives in obedience to Christ
- Speaking the truth about false teaching with both boldness and humility
Notable quote:
“Confession is like the gateway to joy. You confess that you’re not enough. You confess that you need him. And then you walk through, and you seek the Word of God, the people of God, and the Spirit of God.”
Editor’s note: Since the end of November, 2019 our content director and podcast host, Bethany Barendregt has been recovering from an accident. While she’s healing, we will continue to publish previously recorded interviews, but there won’t be any intros, outros, or devotionals recorded for the episodes.